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Getting to know Catharine Small, Democratic Candidate for East Coventry Township Supervisor (Election Day is November 7, 2023)
by Dorene Pasekoff, East Coventry Advocacy President,


Catharine Small has been a resident of East Coventry Township for 16 years.  She grew up in West Vincent Township and her parents still reside there. While she enjoyed living in Coventry Glen, she and her three children now live in a cozy split-level home in the Township.

Her day job is Manager of Global Talent Acquisition at a global pharmaceutical firm.  “I deal with people all day,” says Small.  While her work does involve both domestic and international travel, most of the time, she’s in her office, talking to people in person and on Zoom. 

Besides working with people with a variety of backgrounds professionally, she was part of the Coventry Glen Homeowners’ Association (HOA) Board for 4 years and President for 3 years.  During that time, she increased HOA Board meetings from once a year to twice a year, began the process of rewriting the bylaws to remove ambiguity and added informal “town hall-like” meetings around Coventry Glen to answer questions from residents or discuss issues. 

The current issues she believes are important in East Coventry Township are: the Sewer Sale, the FPR/Waste Pit issue, Transparency from elected officials on issues facing the Township and Open Space (as the Township is changing rapidly and the current Strategic Plan was adopted in 2003).

Clarity and transparency are important to Small; in Coventry Glen, Small ensured that letters from the HOA included any specific regulations in question and would try to reach out directly to homeowners via phone/email to talk about issues when they wrote in to express concern.  If elected to East Coventry Township Supervisor, she plans to continue this work of asking questions to clarify issues, be as transparent as legally possible with residents on issues before the Township and “to listen.”

If you have further questions for Catharine Small, she can be contacted at:  She is also open to having a “Candidate Event” on Zoom sometime before the November 7th Election which if there is enough interest, East Coventry Advocacy could possibly host.

East Coventry Advocacy is a 501c (4) organization that encourages East Coventry Township residents to be more involved in their municipal government.  If you are a candidate for elected or appointed office that included East Coventry Township and would like to do a similar “get to know you” interview for publication, please contact at

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